The Meta-Accessibility website is based on the rich experiences gathered within the COST Action TU1002 on Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice. The aim was and still is to close the gap between academia and practice. For this reason 24 accessibility instruments were collected, categorized and analyzed. Within local workshops practitioners rated the usefulness and usability of these accessibility instruments for their respective planning issues. If you are interested further you can find the reports at Cost Action TU1002 or contact CecĂlia Silva.
The Meta Accessibility website was developed and is run by the Research Group on Accessibility Planning at Technical University of Munich. We aim for integrated land-use and transport planning. Accessibility has been a proven concept enabling quality of life and sustainability in our cities. Accessibility instruments empowers interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral discussions among stakeholders and decision-makers. That is why we are keen on collecting and categorizing accessibility instruments in a transparent and open platform which enables networking. Feel free to submit your instrument here. Please do not hesitate to contact us (benjamin.buettner@tum.de), if you want to learn more about the Meta-Accessibility platform.